Saturday, April 20, 2013

Katie up for lease 2013

Since Katie is back home on the farm and I am still in Green Bay for school, I put Katie back up for lease to hopefully find someone in the Green Bay area to lease her and so I can still see her and ride when I have time!

Here is her link to a Craigslist posting:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bringing Katie back home!

Today Katie came back home to the farm.

Brushing her out before we head home. Spring must be coming soon!

Alex has takes time to do a photo op with Katie!

Always taking goofy pictures. This is one of my favorites though for sure! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Six Years Ago!

It is crazy how time really flies by!!! Around this time of year in 2007, I offically became the owner of Katie! She was only 3 at the time so I have seen her grow into such a great 9 year old horse! It has been a great 6 years and it would only be better if I could still see her everyday, but I know she is being loved just as much right now and has potential to do wonderful things while I am busy with school! :)